I am not Sure I Like Deadlines

I am busy again. That is nothing strange, I happen to make myself busy more often than not. The difference is, that I have a kind of deadline now, and I still am not sure about deadlines.

The thing is, I got this question from a very nice lady, if I could knit doll’s clothes after an example. It was quite easy, so it was no problem. Is no problem. Then I got more wool than I needed for what she had requested, which is no problem either, especially since it does not really matter how long it takes me to knit it all up, and I like knitting with the wool she sent. It is so soft and awesome and bright and yayyyyy!

Only… she lives far, far away, way further than I had expected from a Dutch speaking lady, and while I am knitting for about a week and a half now, I heard she will be in the country next week. That means that shipping costs will be far, far less expensive (while it is expensive still in my not so humble opinion, screw the Dutch mail!) and she asked if I can manage, then please send it to her while she is near. I really want to, but that means right now at least six more thingies to knit of the seventeen I wanted to make in a couple of days, ánd a doll’s travelling-blanket. Or even nine more thingies… nah, it’ll be the blanket. In a couple of days. Whaaaaa!

*pulls herself out of the panic attack* I still do not like deadlines, but off course I’ll manage somehow.